

Flourless Sunbutter Cookies + Sunbutter Cinnamon Filling

These. Cookies. Are. Amazing. Need I say more? The crispy chocolaty, sunbutter cookie filled with salty, sweet filling. Pure bliss. The cookie has a little bit of a resemblance of the famous Nutter Butter cookie. I added cinnamon for a little bit of a spice kick. Next time I'm going to make the balls a tad bit smaller because these are sandwich cookies were talking about, and they don't need to be ridiculously large. If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you've probably realized I have a thing for sandwich cookies.

These are super heavy, in weight, crispy, sweet, and pretty darn good. There also kinda delicate and may fall apart while you eat it, so if it does simply place on a plate and eat with a fork! :)


Flourless Sunbutter Cookies + Sunbutter Cinnamon Filling

1 cup sunbutter
1 cup (packed) brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life)
  1. Preheat oven to 350. Line 2 pans with parchment. Mix all ingredients into the bowl except for the chocolate chips. Use a hand mixer to mix if necessary. Fold in the chocolate chips. Roll heaping tablespoons of dough into balls.
  2. Arrange on the cookie sheet. You should have about 16 balls. Once arranged on the cookie sheet, use the bottom of a greased glass and flatten each of the cookies to make a disk shape.
  3. Bake cookies about 10-12 minutes. Cool on the sheet for 5 minutes. Transfer to racks, cool completely.
  4. Now make the filling.
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 2/3 cup powdered sugar
  1. Beat all of the ingredients together in a bowl, starting with 1 1/3 cup of powdered sugar and adding more if needed. Then, scoop into a pastry bag or plastic bag and pipe onto the cookies.
Note: You can replace butter for the shortening. The original recipe calls for butter, but I always use shortening because it is dairy free. But both will work. You might have some filling left over, but this is never a bad thing, right? Just pitch it or store in the fridge for those midnight sweet cravings :D

Source:Parsley, Sage & Sweet

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