

Grilled Cheese Croutons

Grilled. Cheese. Croutons. Yes, you heard me. This is what I would refer to as "high maintenance croutons," but they are soooo worth it. Trust me. I used my croutons for a salad, but you could also use them in tomato soup, or whatever else you can come up with.

Now this is a highly debatable subject, so if you don't do well with controversy  I suggest you step away now. Yes, this such a divisive subject, it's been known to tear apart life long friendships. I usually keep my opinions to myself on my blog, but I just couldn't with this one. Ok, now that you have been warned, are you ready for the controversial question? Here it is, do you spread the butter onto the bread before grilling it or directly to the pan? Gasp! See there is a reason why I don't usually bring up these types of subjects in a polite public setting. Me? I usually spread the butter onto the bread and then place it onto the pan. Is that normal? 
Salad in the making
Truth is, there are many types of grilled cheese junkies around the world. Some are known to me as grilled cheese purists, using minimal ingredients, while others are grilled cheese rebels adding multiple add ins and dipping sauces. Whatever the method, grilled cheese is still the ultimate comfort food.

I just made a normal recipe of grilled cheese and cut it into squares, then placed ontop of my salad! I prefer to use sourdough bread and mozzarella cheese, but you can use whatever you prefer:)

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