

Gluten Free All Purpose Flour

I felt like it was my duty, as a gluten free blogger to share my all purpose flour recipe. Now, yes, there are a lot of gluten free flours out there- Bob's Red Mill, The Gluten Free Pantry, you name it. Buuuuttttt.... they're so expensive. Plus you can't go anywhere without a good gluten free flour! This flour keeps well for a few months, or even longer if frozen!
Side note: this is the best tool! It sifts and mixes at the same time :) 

Gluten Free All Purpose Flour

4 cup sweet white sorghum flour
4 cup garbanzo bean flour
3 cup tapioca starch   (potato or arrowroot also work)

Whisk together and store in an airtight container. Can be used for all recipes that call for "Gluten free all purpose flour." (which includes most of mine)

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