
Tuesday Tips/ Tricks - Popcorn

I've decided to start a new series called Tuesday Tips/ Tricks. The tips will be little things I've learned that makes life easier.  Today's tip is a helpful trick I've recently learned that lets you make popcorn in a brown bag! That's right, no more store bought popcorn bags with ingredients that you can't pronounce! Plus, it couldn't be simpler.
All you need is a brown bag and 1/3 C of popcorn kernels. Just add the kernels to the bag, fold the top over twice and place in the microwave for 2 minutes! Oh and place the fold side down or things could get bad (if you know what I mean:) I've forgotten to do that step before, and boy do you have a surprise when you open the microwave door!

That's it! Now you have fresh popcorn, without the fuss of the stove and you can flavor it however your heart desires! Or eat completely bare. Wanna know what goes great with popcorn? You'll never guess it...olive oil! Just drizzle it and add some salt:)

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