

Spatula 101

Just what you wanted to read today...a post all about spatulas! C'mon at least try to act excited.

In this post you will learn everything you need to learn about a common kitchen tool, Spatulas! Now, I'm not a spatula expert, but I have had my fare share of spatula experience. Some spatulas better than others.

Now I don't know if everyone is like this, but, I have a favorite spatula. Yes I said it, I pick favorites, with my spatulas. There has to be someone out there who does the same thing, please, or am I just that weird...:)

Anyway back to everything you want to know about spatulas:

Don't worry, this is the before picture:)

How to Clean Them:
Yep, this is a big one. I saw on the Pinterest the other day that you can actually take the "tops" off of spatulas. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Yep, that's right, a lot of spatulas you can just take the "tops" off when you put it in the dishwasher to prevent mold build-up. If you've never done this, you will be very grossed out by what you find inside your spatula. When you see it, you may want to go right and throw away all of your spatulas, but don't! I've come up with a recipe for a cleaning solution that really helps get that junk off of the spatulas! It really works!

Ok here's the recipe:
  • 1.5 Tbs vinegar
  • 3C water
Add the water and vinegar in heavy saucepan on the stove. Bring to boil, then turn down heat to medium low. Take the "tops" off of your spatulas (If it comes off) and place both parts in the water. Let sit in water for 10-30 minutes. (If it's really bad, they may need to stay in longer) Once finished, let air dry on a paper towel.

This is the after!

Buying A Spatula:
When buying a new spatula, I would recommend considering these factors:
  • Make sure the spatula is heat resistant. Most spatulas can only handle temperatures of 450* and below. If melting something, this may cause some issues. We would not want melted chocolate with plastic, now would we:)
  • I would recommend buying various sizes of spatulas, like small (for cans and measuring cups) Medium (folding batter, mixing batters) and large (for mixing doughs or thick batters)
  • My favorite spatulas are silicon and are all in one piece, such as the green spatula in the picture above. (As you can see, it's falling apart, but I can't let it's my favorite spatula!!) Here are example of spatulas I would recommend:1, 2, and 3. There's more, but listing them all would be impossible!
  • Price- You know what they say, you get what you pay for. When it comes to spatulas, I agree an disagree. True, buying a spatula for .50 is not going to be great, but I also don't believe you need to spend $50 on a spatula. Anywhere from $5-$25 is probably good.

There you have it! Did you learn anything? Hope you enjoyed it:)


1 comment:

  1. Kim McCloudMarch 25, 2013

    Okay, now I must go clean my spatulas! :)
