

Mrs. Wild's Sleepover Bars

My neighbor used to make these for her daughters and they're the best! These breakfast bars are so simple and can be made in minutes the night before! Behold the amazing breakfast bars!!!

2 bananas
5-7 gram crackers
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
Milk, until desired glaze consistency is reached

How to make these scrumptious bars:

1. Split the gram crackers into 4 pieces. Add two banana pieces on the gram cracker. Then, make a sandwich with another piece on top. make the glaze!! In a small bowl mix the powdered sugar and slowly add the milk to make a glaze. Now drizzle the glaze on top.
3. Finally put the bars in a container and store in the fridge until morning.
4. Enjoy!

The longer you wait to eat these, the more flavorful, and sweeter they will be!

I am working on a gf version of this and will post ASAP!!


  1. These are a family favorite, for sure! Thanks for posting, Amy!! Your blog is so creative, fun and helpful!! Keep up the good work!! <3
